What is this?

This blog is what happens when you rally your troops.  

Five days before the end of the Mayan Calendar, I grew downright panicked with gratitude for the trials and treasures of 2012.  Call it apocalyptic nesting, call it hormonal, call it free-time... I felt driven to both count my blessings and gift my incredible network of friends and family (you) in some way.  I requested recommendations that could "make us each collectively more inspired and brave should Armageddon only half-grant us enlightenment and place us back down in the lap of 2013."

These were the directions:

1. Email me back with a song, album, movie, website, book, or piece of visual art from your version of 2012.  It should be something that delivered a hit of "jeu ne se qua."  Something that sustained you or tripped you or gave you a metaphysical noogie.   Something that you want others to know about.  It doesn't have to be impressive or cool.  It could be self-helpy or totally trashy.  No judgement.  The more embarrassed you are, the better it probably is.  You can do more than one if you like.  If you have a link then send it, otherwise no link necessary.

2. Include three free-association words/phrases that connect to the recommendation.

Anyway, the world kept going.  And here we are, left to enjoy the results.  Thanks so much to everyone for their recs. 


Love in 2013 you Rascals,


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